
Advises on the current market value of the property having regarding to its condition, size and location.
Tim Joinson is an RICS registered valuer.
Valuations can be provided for Tax Purposes, Matrimonial proceedings, Help to Buy Loan redemption or to assist with a property purchase.
In the case of a property purchase a professional valuation will confirm whether the price you have agreed is reasonable.
This is NOT a survey of condition and only major defects likely to affect the value will be pointed out. A walk through inspection is undertaken. No inspection is made in the roof space.
RICS Homebuyer Report
This is a good mid-range report (Level 2) providing a reasonably in-depth survey, which can be combined with a valuation. From 2016 the Report is available without the valuation advice. In many situations a valuation is not needed. In these cases you will not have to pay for a valuation that you do not need.
Includes all the features of the Home Condition Report and more.
Includes a market valuation, unless you opt for the Survey only.
Provides a more in-depth examination of the property including fuller inspection of the roof space and lifting drain covers where possible.
Contains guidance regarding repairs and future maintenance of the property.
Lists legal issues for your solicitor to look into and alerts you to environmental concerns.
A building reinstatement cost for insurance purposes is provided with the valuation.
"We are buying an inter-war semi-detached house which is in need of some repair and improvement. We noticed cracking in one of the walls and some dampness. We want to know if this indicates a serious problem and whether it will affect the property's value?"
Building Survey
A Building Survey is the most detailed report we provide (Level 3).
This is a bespoke report tailor-made to suit the property you intend to purchase.
The report is commonly used for older more complex buildings, properties in need of structural repair and Listed Buildings.
Our reports are well presented in hard covers and illustrated with photographs. An electronic copy can be provided on request in addition to the hard copy.
This type of report has been known in the past as a "Full Structural Survey".
Note that the report does not include a valuation, but this may be arranged if required.
"I am buying a former farmhouse which is partly built of stone and partly traditional timber frame. I am concerned that the property may need structural repairs. I would like to understand the full extent of the repairs required to the building and the maintenance implication for this form of construction."
You should not rely on the mortgage valuation report alone; this type of report will not investigate the structural condition of the property and is intended solely to confirm to the lender that there is sufficient security for the amount that you are borrowing against it. Most solicitors will recommend that you commission your own more thorough survey before you exchange contracts.
If you have any special requirements or concerns we will be pleased to discuss these with you.
Additional Services
Probate Valuations
An accurate market value of property is necessary at the date of death for overall estate and individual property inheritance tax purposes. Tim Joinson's expert valuers can carry out a valuation at a convenient time and liaise with the District Valuer and the lawyers acting on behalf of the estate to agree the valuation.
Insurance Valuations
The vast majority of insurers will require a valuation of the cost to rebuild your property in the unfortunate event that it is destroyed by fire or other accident. Our surveyors can provide highly accurate Reinstatement Valuations, ascertained via a site visit to to measure your premises and record its construction and any special features.
Matrimonial Valuations
Matrimonial valuations require considerably more detail, and have to be transparent and more open to interpretation than most other valuations. Our expert team is able to present an independent valuation for and to the court and can also carry out valuations for single parties to use in negotiations.
Boundary Disputes
One of the most common disputes between neighbours is the boundaries between their properties. TimJoinson has experience in helping clients with a wide range of boundary dispute issues, helping resolve disputes in an efficient and amicable fashion with the aim of avoiding costly court battles.
Expert Professional Advice
With years of experience in dealing with a vast array of property related issues for a wide range of clients, TimJoinson can provide you with expert professional advice that you can trust.
Condition Schedules
An agreed Schedule of Condition at the commencement of a commercial tenancy and attached to the lease is the most effective way of limiting future dilapidations liability. TimJoinson offers highly accurate and detailed schedules of condition which will benefit both landlords and tenants.